
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Embroidered Emerald

Hey bloggerettes! I was lucky enough to pick up a bottle of Misa Embroidered Emerald and my goodness is it amazing! Embroidered Emerald is a burgundy based polish with green shimmer. I'll let the pictures do the talking because this polish is just too great to explain.

She's lovely on her own but I decided I wanted more of a green flash. So I did a layer of Pure Ice Heartbreaker, a green shimmer in a green base and Finger Paints Flecked, a green flakie in a clear base.

Misa Embroidered Emerald is currently hard to find, however, I found mine through a blog sale. I'm sorry to post such a beautiful color without a way to purchase it but I will keep my eyes peeled for an option.

I'm so excited to say this was my 100th post! I am so proud of my little blog and I am so happy to have followers that check out my blog from time to time. Thank you all for making this possible!!



I love and appreciate all feedback! All I ask is that there be no spamming on my posts. Thank you.