
Thursday, December 29, 2011


Here's a quickie post of random nails I sported throughout the year! Nothing too special, well not special enough for their own individual posts,  but they need a good home. I'm currently battling my annual end of the year flu and just don't have the effort to do much of anything, lol.
Nyx Gilded Glitter, Essence Edward & Bella half moons.
 Butter Londen All Hail McQueen. I don't remember the red.
 Messy failed attempt at stamping, was immediately removed, lol.
 Orly Rock Solid.
 My attempt at mannequin hands.
 Ice, ice, baby dundundundundadadundun.
OPI Muppets glitter gradiant.

Well, I'm off for more napping and chicken souping now. Have a safe and pleasant Thursday evening my bloggerettes! <3



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