
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Best Blog Award!

I'm finally catching up on everyone's blogs because of this crazy week. Jossie at Pink Beauty tagged me for the Best Blog Award. I love these things, lol. Please check out her blog she's holding a 'Guess What' contest and she's been posting some sparkly goodness. Fun fact, her bio says she's from San Juan Puerto Rico, I was born and raised in Fajardo PR for 12 1/2 years. Okie, back to the award...

Rules: You must link back to the person who awarded you, share 7 random facts, award 15 blogs and let them know, and answer the following questions. 

1: Favorite color- PINK, duh. lol
2: Favorite song- That's tough, so I'm going to cheat. My favorite band is Mastodon!
3. Favorite dessert- Oh lawd, everything! 
4. What is pissing you off?- My hard headed Korean mother.
5. When you're upset you- Cuss and rub my hands, I know, strange.
6. Favorite pet- ZOMBRI, duh.
7. Black or White- ...Grey?
8. Biggest fear- Lizards! Gross.
9. Best feature- My lovely lady lumps? Is anyone else disturbed that someone would refer to their body as lumps? Let's go with eyes.
10. Everyday attitude-
11. What is perfection- The love I have for Zombri and Matthew, awww.
12. Guilty pleasure- Spending money.

7 Random Facts About Me:
1. I just bought a pair of roller derby skates!
2. I rented Mean Girls from Netflix because my VHS copy is 'missing'.
3. My new prescription contacts are now blue!
4. I only have one regret and it's quitting Walgreens for my new job that pays jack-diddley.
5. I love leopard print so much it's tattooed on my back forever.
6. I'm not big on the whole 'best friend' thing, never works out.
7. Glee is my new super secret obsession, don't tell anyone.

All done, woohoo! As always this one's for you ladies!


  1. I knew you were puertorrican! Im also :)

  2. I'm not Puerto Rican by blood but I was born and raised in PR. I am half Korean.

  3. Congrats on the award. Also, ditto on the best friend thing. I had four and only one I'm still close to/friends with. :( She is the best though.

  4. Thank you! I seem to go through phases with friends. I'd rather have a drama free life with my dog and bf.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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